Introduction > Contact

Contact information

Our customer service is available on phone during working days in Slovakia from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Orders are accepted solely via our e-shop.


+421 948 450 100 - Ms. Marcela Tršková
send email


Are You Brewery, Distillery or Soft Drinks producer? Send us an offer:


+421 948 690 249  - Ms. Monika Miklánková
send email



The operator of the online store is the company:
EMMA SLOVAKIA s.r.o., Liptovská 2719/3, 911 08 Trenčín, Slovakia
Registration number: 36333034, VAT number: SK2021787570
The company is a VAT payer in the Slovakia.
Registration number for the distribution of consumer packaging of alcohol: 667331500016.
Bank account IBAN: SK89 7500 0000 0040 0773 6289, BIC (SWIFT): CEKOSKBX


All prices in the store are contractual, include VAT and are final.


Supervisory Authority: Slovenská obchodná inšpekcia (SOI)
Inšpektorát SOI pre Trenčiansky kraj, Hurbanova 59, 911 01 Trenčín, Slovakia,
Department of Technical Product Inspection and Consumer Protection, phone: +421 32 640 01 09